드디어, 레알마드리드TV가 국내에서도 시청이 가능해졌습니다.
레알마드리드TV (Realmadrid TV)는 스페인 프로축구클럽 레알 마드리드에서 운영하는 채널이며, 전세계로 무료 방영하고 있습니다.
유럽에서는 이미 Astra(아스트라)와 Hispasat(히스파샛) 위성으로 레알마드리드TV를 무료 방영하고 있으며, 최근 Asiasat(아시아샛) 위성으로도 서비스를 개시하였습니다.
레알마드리드TV를 한국에서 시청하기 위해서는 지름 1.4m 이상의 접시 안테나(1.6m 권장)와 무료 위성방송을 수신할 수 있는 수신기가 필요합니다. (권장모델 : SKC-8902)
이제, 스페인의 명문 구단 레알 마드리드의 축구경기와 신속한 정보를 안방에서 직접 시청할 수 있게 되었습니다.
* 홈페이지 : http://www.realmadrid.com/
* 채널 편성표 : http://www.realmadrid.com/articulo/1020.htm
많은 문의 바랍니다.
Realmadrid Televisión starts off with a brilliant presentation
At Santiago Bernabéu, where better, to start this new step for Realmadrid Televisión, which in the words of Florentino Pérez, will be that of its consolidation “as the television of reference in the world of sport”. The president of Real Madrid was the host of this brilliant act of presentation, a prelude to the launch which will take place from 12 o'clock tonight. Antonio García Ferreras, Director of Communication and Content of Real Madrid, didn't hide his satisfaction because “Real Madrid will now have a television worthy of its legend”. And that 1000 million Madrid fans from all over the planet would come.
In his speech, Florentino Pérez reminded us that in the last few years, Real Madrid has converted itself into a global reference, “and for this reason we had to be capable of satisfying all the spectators, no matter where they are. Realmadrid TV is an indispensable project”. This project is within the framework of one of the great objectives of the club, “to put into place an important communication group”.
Florentino Pérez said that at 12 o'clock tonight “we will open in Europe and in the next few weeks on all the continents and in various languages”, with the concession of a desire that: “It is for all the Madrid fans, but also for all those who love sport and football”. The president closed his speech by guaranteeing that today was one more step “towards the consolidation of our channel as the television of reference in the world of sport”.
The president remembered that there was a time when the incomes of clubs basically came from the turnstiles, and the fact of constructing a large stadium guaranteed a large club. “In the modern information society, we have to create a virtual space which can accomodate all the world, because it's the demand of millions of fans”.
José Ángel Sánchez: "It will generate Madrid fans"
José Ángel Sánchez, Director General of Marketing for Real Madrid, started his speech by stressing that Realmadrid Televisión “is a bond between the institution and its fans in all the world”. He defined this channel as “a place for the spreading of values and brand identity, which would generate Madrid fans”.
José Ángel Sánchez pointed out that this channel would also foster relationships with sponsors and would build and "privileged space". The Director General of Marketing finished his speech indicating that this “is a leap forward in the interpretation of Real Madrid by its fans”.
Realmadrid Televisión can be seen for free via any satellite dish pointed towards the Astra or Hispasat satellites. Also through channel 55 of Digital +, but unscrambled, without the necessity of any subscription. And in the next few days on the cable channels: Ono, Imagenio, Euskaltel and most recently Auna, José Ángel Sánchez, the Director General of Marketing informed us.
García Ferreras: "A television worthy of our legend"
From the presidential box of the stadium came the top managers of this project which is starting now. The Director of the channel, Michael Novak, admitted that he was living a dream, "which also involves responsibility". He praised the work of the producers Royalmedia/Media Pro, who are sharing this project with Real Madrid, he showed his gratitude towards the President, because “ this is his project which will very soon turn into a window open to the world”.
Antonio García Ferreras, Director of Communication and Content of Real Madrid, an essential component of this spectacular launch, started his address by emphasising that “we are very clear about what this club has to have and it will start by having a television worthy of its legend”. A television capable of reaching all of the world, without wishing that this should be understood as arrogance or egotism, “but as a responsible attitude towards those who demand information from us". García Ferreras, who has intensely experienced the development of this exciting project, had words of praise for all those who have made possible this launch, starting with the players from the two teams, “who are helping us a lot”, and especially all the professionals of the channel, who “bringing all their passion and are putting their souls into a complex challenge, but one worthy of the history of this Club”.
레알 마드리드
* 에스파냐(스페인)의 프로축구클럽.
* 국가 : 에스파냐
* 종목 : 축구
* 창단연도 : 1902년 3월 18일
* 연고지 : 에스파냐 마드리드
* 전적 : 1999~2000년 시즌 스페인리그 1부 5위
스페인리그 1부인 프리메라디비전(Primera Division)에 소속된 프로축구클럽으로, 1902년 3월 18일 창단하였다. 연고지는 에스파냐의 수도인 마드리드이고, 공식 클럽명은 레알 마드리드 C.F.이다. 팀의 애칭은 메렝게춤을 뜻하는 메렌게스(Merengues), 흰색이라는 뜻의 블랑코스(Blancos)이다.
1902년 스페인리그에 참가하고 1905년 처음으로 스페인컵에서 우승하였으나 한동안 저조하다가 1932~1933년 시즌에 다시 우승을 차지하였다. 1950년대와 1960년대에 전성기를 맞았고 1980년대에도 5년 연속 우승하는 등 뛰어난 활약을 하였다. 1990년대 들어서는 라이벌인 바르셀로나에 밀려 1994~1995, 1996~1997년 시즌 우승 외에는 저조한 편이다.
지금까지 스페인리그에서 27회 우승으로 최다우승기록을 보유하고 있다. 유럽챔피언스리그에서는 6연승의 대기록을 포함하여 모두 8회 우승하였고 스페인컵에서 16회, UEFA컵에서 2회(1985, 1986), 인터콘티넨털컵에서 1회 우승하였다.
에스파냐 축구를 대표하는 최강의 클럽으로, 바르셀로나와 함께 스페인리그에서 번갈아가며 우승을 차지하면서 '스페인의 거함'이라고도 불린다. 수많은 국가대표선수들을 배출하였으며, 바르셀로나와 경기를 벌일 때는 10만 여명의 관중이 모여들 정도로 인기가 아주 높다.
1999~2000년 시즌에는 16승 14무 8패로 5위에 머물렀다. 홈구장은 8만 5000명 수용규모의 산티아고베르나베우(Santiago Bernabeu)이다.